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I Got One Hand In My Pocket.... and pulled out a Song!

"Lockdown hits, the whole world changes and shifts, and my constants fall out of view. Work is sparse, seeing family and friends is a no no and my Friday afternoon lifeline is gone. It’s not gone for long however, as the power of ‘Zoom’ takes our choir to a virtual world. It’s a different experience being part of an online choir, we can see each other but can’t hear each other sing. If there was ever a time to belt out those high notes or have a go at trying your own harmony against Rachels singing, then the time is now. It’s oddly freeing to know you can’t be heard, it doesn’t matter what you sound like, you can let go.

Even in a virtual world Rachel holds a beautiful space, adapting

the song choices to how we’re feeling and allowing us time at the end of the session to share how we’re coping and getting to grips with the new ‘normal’.

The singing lifeline has been strengthened further in these (sometimes) trying months with Singing Mamas new lockdown venture ‘Songline’. It’s been a joy to connect with so many different people up and down this country and even overseas, connected together by the power of song. The opportunity to be led by so many different song sharers has been amazing and a real treat. Just like in our Friday afternoon choir in the virtual world, it works and it’s powerful, there’s been tears, laughter and even dancing as we learn new songs and take them with us, popping them into our pockets safely, ready for the times when we need them the most." - By Laura Fleming, from Singing Mamas Choir, Crosby, Merseyside.

Songline is now on hiatus until September 2020, but if you'd like to join a private online Singing Mamas Choir then take a look at what groups are on offer at

Laura can be seen on the right in this video singing May You Walk by Betsy Rose.

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